High Schools That Work

College & Career Activities

Each year, SHS students have the opportunity to talk with a variety of area professionals as well as college representatives during Advisory. More than thirty colleges and careers are represented at events. This activity helped students understand the link between potential careers and the education required to obtain various jobs.

As a follow-up to this activity, students participate in career clusters. During that time, community members will come talk with groups of students based on their chosen career cluster. We appreciate our relationship with the Scott County Partnership, wh0 helps us coordinate these events for our students.

Interest-Based Advisories

Once or twice a month on club days, HSTW students have the opportunity to participate in interest-based advisories. 

The Southern Regional Education Board is a multi-state compact for education, founded in 1948. High Schools That Work, launched in 1987, is the largest high school improvement effort in the United States, with more than 1,100 school sites in 30 states and the District of Columbia.

About HSTW

More than 1,200 High Schools That Work (HSTW) sites in 30 states and the District of Columbia currently use the framework of HSTW Goals and Key Practices to raise student achievement and graduation rates.

Hundreds of HSTW publications, case studies, site development guides and other materials also help improve curriculum and instruction in high schools throughout the nation. In addition, HSTW's annual Staff Development Conference for nearly 8,000 educators is a focal point for year-round professional development.

HSTW is nationally recognized for its effectiveness and has led to several related school improvement initiatives. Chief among them, Making Middle Grades Work has helped make SREB states among the first in the nation to implement strategies that help students make stronger academic transitions into high school. Technology Centers That Work helps career/technology centers in SREB states improve student readiness for college and careers. 

